Personal Health Record
ConXus Health is an integrated health record that provides a longitudinal repository of participant health data from multiple sources.
Data Integration
Selected data elements, such as biometric results, collected using other ConXus modules are stored in the health record. They can be supplemented by data entered directly by the participant or health coach.
Data from third-party sources, such as laboratory results and prescription refills, can be loaded into the health record using standard batch processes.
Self-reported and coach-entered data uses SNOMED and NDC codes to provide data portability; loaded data retains the coding used at source.
Components of the health record include:
- Personal information—demographics, lifestyle, family history, advance directives
- Comprehensive medication record—Rx and OTC therapies. Prescription refills can be loaded from PBM data, if available.
- Medical history—conditions, treatments, allergies, immunizations, screenings, office visits
- Biometric results batch loaded directly from source data, if available, and used to populate the ConXus Profile health risk assessment
- Contact information for provider, pharmacy, hospital, insurance, and an emergency
- Printer-friendly health record reports in PDF and XML for easy portability and data sharing